

“It’s okay,” Bruce said, watching with great interest as the baby took the bottle greedily.  He was glad to see he’d been right about her being hungry and truthfully, he enjoyed watching Tony with her.  “There will be plenty of time for me to do it, so don’t worry.”  Reaching out, he took a hold of one of her wiggly feet and gave it a gentle squeeze, leaning over to kiss the bottom of her little purple sock before standing up again.  “I better get a burp cloth for when she’s done.” 

Tony smiled up at Bruce and nodded, looking down at Rebecca again “You’re a strong little thing aren’t you?” he chuckled, glancing over at his fiance once more “What are we going to be called? We can’t both be ‘dad’, that’ll get all sorts of confusing for everyone”

“Oh,” he was walking back from the diaper bag with the cloth and paused, his brows drawing together.  “I hadn’t really thought about it.”  Sitting down slowly, he threw the white, cotton towel over his shoulder and shrugged.  “Well, there’s always daddy or papa.  Do you have a preference?”

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