

“Oh,” he was walking back from the diaper bag with the cloth and paused, his brows drawing together.  “I hadn’t really thought about it.”  Sitting down slowly, he threw the white, cotton towel over his shoulder and shrugged.  “Well, there’s always daddy or papa.  Do you have a preference?”

“I don’t really mind” Tony shook his head, smiling up at Bruce and leaning back some more on the sofa and stretching his leg out, a quiet whine of pain slipping from him. “When daddy has finished feeding you, papa can burp you” he then told their daughter softly, smirking at his fiance “I give you the fun jobs” he chuckled, unable to keep his eyes away from the baby in his arms “She is definitely strong, for being so small”

“Hey, they’re almost all fun,” Bruce shrugged, watching Rebecca’s face as she finished up her bottle.  “I can always pass her back when it’s time for her first diaper change.”  He kept his tone light, but his gazed flicked down in concern when Tony stretched and made a pained noise.  Biting his lip for a moment, he sighed.  “Do you need something for the pain?”

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