

Bruce snorted, still pacing and rubbing Rebecca’s back gently.  “You would be.”  Strolling over to the windows, he turned his body so the baby was facing out over Manhattan, and he kissed her soft head as he watched the city thoughtfully.  “You still want to move to California?”  Bruce asked, turning his head to look at Tony.  “Or do you think we should stay here?”

“No, I want to move” Tony told Bruce, turning on the sofa slightly to look over the back of it at his fiance and their daughter “It’s nicer out there for her to grow up, there’s more space, a proper garden, the beach…” he trailed off and smiled “It’s just nicer than growing up in the middle of the city”

“I think you’re right,” he nodded, giving the city one last look before walking over to the couch.  Rebecca had stopped wiggling and felt heavier against his chest, which told him she’d fallen asleep.  Continuing to bounce a little, Bruce tipped his head down the hall.  “I’m going to take her to the bedroom, lay her down in the bassinet.  You want to come?”

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