

“I think you’re right,” he nodded, giving the city one last look before walking over to the couch.  Rebecca had stopped wiggling and felt heavier against his chest, which told him she’d fallen asleep.  Continuing to bounce a little, Bruce tipped his head down the hall.  “I’m going to take her to the bedroom, lay her down in the bassinet.  You want to come?”

“‘course I do” Tony grinned and nodded, pulling himself to his feet with a slight groan, placing the bottle on the table as he past, and using Bruce to steady himself for a few seconds, looking down at their sleeping daughter. “Your daddy is falling apart” he whispered.

“Hey,” Bruce began, leaning over to press a kiss to Tony’s cheek.  “You’re not falling apart, you’re adjusting.  There’s physical therapy and finding the right dosage of medication…you’ll get to a good place again, okay?”  He hated seeing the other man in pain and upset.  It was frustrating knowing how many people he’d helped with his medical knowledge and yet he could do nothing for his own fiance.  “Come on, let’s go put her down for a nap and maybe take one ourselves.”

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