

“Hey,” Bruce began, leaning over to press a kiss to Tony’s cheek.  “You’re not falling apart, you’re adjusting.  There’s physical therapy and finding the right dosage of medication…you’ll get to a good place again, okay?”  He hated seeing the other man in pain and upset.  It was frustrating knowing how many people he’d helped with his medical knowledge and yet he could do nothing for his own fiance.  “Come on, let’s go put her down for a nap and maybe take one ourselves.”

“My leg needs a nap, I’ll admit that” Tony nodded, limping towards the door and holding it open for Bruce and their daughter, smiling back at them as his eyes trailed over their sleeping daughter “The thought of having a daughter terrifies me” he admitted to his fiance, trying to keep his weight off his injured leg.

“You probably should’ve said something before now,” Bruce said, bouncing Rebecca gently before cradling her in his hands.  Gently, he laid her down in the small bassinet, remaining quiet for a moment as he made sure she was going to stay asleep.  When she did, he sighed and turned to Tony, a smile on his lips.  ”I do know what you mean, but we’ll do our best.  Maybe Pepper can offer advice when it comes to…girl stuff.”  He shrugged a little, walking to the closet as he began unbuttoning his shirt.  Returning a moment later, he was dressed in a t-shirt and comfortable, cotton pants.  They weren’t going anywhere for a while, so he figured he might as well be comfortable.  ”Why don’t you change so we can rest.”

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