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I love them too fucking much.



Bobbi gave a ragged laugh that was sort of like a groan. “Is hung over an emotion?” she intoned, squinting some and rubbing her eyes. “How ‘bout you?” she then asked, sitting down slowly with a warm smile.

“I’m alright, thanks, but I wouldn’t know,” he chuckled, shaking his head.  ”I’m sure there are plenty of emotions associated with being hungover.  Grumpy comes to mind.  Remorseful, perhaps?”  He turned and opened the cupboard, grabbing a bottle of pain medication and giving it a light shake before setting it on the counter.  ”You should take some if you haven’t.  Can I make you some breakfast?”



Glancing up, Bobbi smiled at the Scientist and gave a little wave. “Hey there Brucie” she hummed brightly before taking a sip of her coffee.

Turning at the sound of his name (well…sort of) as he was lifting his tea to his lips, Bruce paused and lowered the mug, giving the woman a warm smile.  ”Hi, Bobbi.  How are you today?”



“Of course Pepper can be her godmother,” Bruce said, tugging on the hem of his shirt as he crawled onto the bed.  Dropping heavily onto his back, he sighed and stretched, looking up at the ceiling as he brought a hand behind his head.  ”She’s going to have a lot of people looking out for her, that’s for sure.  A whole team of superhero aunts and uncles.”  Smiling thoughtfully, he glanced at Tony.  ”She’ll be strong and smart.”

Tony smiled and nodded, standing up and kicking off his shoes, using the bed to support himself as he pushed of his trousers and shrugged off his shirt, climbing into the bed next to Bruce and closing his eyes, stretching his leg out and trying not to wince. “Painkillers knock me out” he murmured “Don’t wanna miss her crying”

“Well, that’s sort of why I’m here,” Bruce said, eyebrows twitching upward as he gave Tony side-eye.  ”If you don’t get some rest, you’re going to be cranky…well, crankier.  It’s kinda how it works; you take care of yourself so you can take care of her.”  Sighing, he looked back up and let his eyes close, a yawn escaping him that he hadn’t even tried to stifle.  ”Besides…there will be plenty of opportunity for you to get up in the middle of the night and do all the things she needs us to do.”  


Today is the 69th Anniversary of D Day – June 6, 1944

The Normandy Landings

Photo by Chief Photographers Mate Robert F. Sargent

Title: WWII: Europe: France; “Into the Jaws of Death — U.S. Troops wading through water and Nazi gunfire”, circa 1944-06-06.

The Normandy Landings codenamed Operation Neptune, were the landing operations of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord, during World War II. The landings commenced on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 (D-Day), beginning at 6:30 am British Double Summer Time (GMT+2). In planning, as for most Allied operations, the term D-Day was used for the day of the actual landing, which was dependent on final approval.

The landings were conducted in two phases: an airborne assault landing of 24,000 British, American and Canadian airborne troops shortly after midnight, and an amphibious landing of Allied infantry and armoured divisions on the coast of France starting at 6:30 am. Surprise was achieved thanks to inclement weather and a comprehensive deception plan implemented in the months before the landings, Operation Bodyguard, to distract German attention from the possibility of landings in Normandy. A key success was to convince Adolf Hitler that the landings would actually occur to the north at the Pas-de-Calais. There were also decoy operations taking place simultaneously with the landings under the codenames Operation Glimmer and Operation Taxable to distract the German forces from the real landing areas.

Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces was General Dwight D. Eisenhower while overall command of ground forces (21st Army Group) was given to General Bernard Montgomery



Shaking his head with a grin, Steve followed his lead over to the couch. “I could insist?” he teased gently. “Honestly, I don’t mind. You did so much work to get this done, it’s the least I can do.” Settling down on the couch, he smiled over at Bruce. He shouldn’t feel nervous, but his stomach was fluttering as he waited.

Nodding at the confirmation, Steve glanced toward the television. “Yeah… best of both worlds,” he said with a laugh. “Uh, I’ve been trying to get into more modern things. Just… trying to get caught up on things I’ve missed. All I’ve learned so far is that I’m not a fan of Adam Sandler…”

“Yes, you could insist,” Bruce nodded, shrugging as he smiled.  ”It’s fine, though.  They’ll keep for a few hours.  And it wasn’t so much work as it was relaxing.  I really do like to cook.”  Tapping his fingers absently on his knee, he rolled his eyes up toward the ceiling, giving it a moment’s thought.  ”Oh, I know!”  Dropping his gaze, he glanced over at Steve  ”Have you ever seen ‘Sleepless in Seattle?’  Tom Hanks is one of the better actors to come along the past few decades.  It’s sort of a modern-classic, from the early 1990s.”

He asked JARVIS to cue it up, shifting to sit more comfortably, right arm resting on the end of the couch while the other settled in the space between himself and Steve.  As the large screen came to life and the movie began to play, Bruce found himself glancing between the movie and his…date.  That was still a little odd to think, let alone say.  He hoped Steve liked the movie, and almost wanted to watch his reactions to it rather than the film itself.


I think I’ll just stop running and do this outside from now on.