Tag Archives: yournucleardeterrent



“Of course Pepper can be her godmother,” Bruce said, tugging on the hem of his shirt as he crawled onto the bed.  Dropping heavily onto his back, he sighed and stretched, looking up at the ceiling as he brought a hand behind his head.  ”She’s going to have a lot of people looking out for her, that’s for sure.  A whole team of superhero aunts and uncles.”  Smiling thoughtfully, he glanced at Tony.  ”She’ll be strong and smart.”

Tony smiled and nodded, standing up and kicking off his shoes, using the bed to support himself as he pushed of his trousers and shrugged off his shirt, climbing into the bed next to Bruce and closing his eyes, stretching his leg out and trying not to wince. “Painkillers knock me out” he murmured “Don’t wanna miss her crying”

“Well, that’s sort of why I’m here,” Bruce said, eyebrows twitching upward as he gave Tony side-eye.  ”If you don’t get some rest, you’re going to be cranky…well, crankier.  It’s kinda how it works; you take care of yourself so you can take care of her.”  Sighing, he looked back up and let his eyes close, a yawn escaping him that he hadn’t even tried to stifle.  ”Besides…there will be plenty of opportunity for you to get up in the middle of the night and do all the things she needs us to do.”  



“You probably should’ve said something before now,” Bruce said, bouncing Rebecca gently before cradling her in his hands.  Gently, he laid her down in the small bassinet, remaining quiet for a moment as he made sure she was going to stay asleep.  When she did, he sighed and turned to Tony, a smile on his lips.  ”I do know what you mean, but we’ll do our best.  Maybe Pepper can offer advice when it comes to…girl stuff.”  He shrugged a little, walking to the closet as he began unbuttoning his shirt.  Returning a moment later, he was dressed in a t-shirt and comfortable, cotton pants.  They weren’t going anywhere for a while, so he figured he might as well be comfortable.  ”Why don’t you change so we can rest.”

“Hmm?” Tony asked as he heard Bruce’s voice, having been sitting on the edge of the bed staring at their daughter while his fiance had been gone, silently promising her that he would be the best daddy that he could be, even if he was terrified. “Pep can be her godmother, right? I can’t think of a better woman for the job” he smiled at Bruce, before looking back at their daughter again “I think between us all, our little girl is going to be able to kick ass and take names, and look beautiful while doing so”

“Of course Pepper can be her godmother,” Bruce said, tugging on the hem of his shirt as he crawled onto the bed.  Dropping heavily onto his back, he sighed and stretched, looking up at the ceiling as he brought a hand behind his head.  ”She’s going to have a lot of people looking out for her, that’s for sure.  A whole team of superhero aunts and uncles.”  Smiling thoughtfully, he glanced at Tony.  ”She’ll be strong and smart.”



“Hey,” Bruce began, leaning over to press a kiss to Tony’s cheek.  “You’re not falling apart, you’re adjusting.  There’s physical therapy and finding the right dosage of medication…you’ll get to a good place again, okay?”  He hated seeing the other man in pain and upset.  It was frustrating knowing how many people he’d helped with his medical knowledge and yet he could do nothing for his own fiance.  “Come on, let’s go put her down for a nap and maybe take one ourselves.”

“My leg needs a nap, I’ll admit that” Tony nodded, limping towards the door and holding it open for Bruce and their daughter, smiling back at them as his eyes trailed over their sleeping daughter “The thought of having a daughter terrifies me” he admitted to his fiance, trying to keep his weight off his injured leg.

“You probably should’ve said something before now,” Bruce said, bouncing Rebecca gently before cradling her in his hands.  Gently, he laid her down in the small bassinet, remaining quiet for a moment as he made sure she was going to stay asleep.  When she did, he sighed and turned to Tony, a smile on his lips.  ”I do know what you mean, but we’ll do our best.  Maybe Pepper can offer advice when it comes to…girl stuff.”  He shrugged a little, walking to the closet as he began unbuttoning his shirt.  Returning a moment later, he was dressed in a t-shirt and comfortable, cotton pants.  They weren’t going anywhere for a while, so he figured he might as well be comfortable.  ”Why don’t you change so we can rest.”



“I think you’re right,” he nodded, giving the city one last look before walking over to the couch.  Rebecca had stopped wiggling and felt heavier against his chest, which told him she’d fallen asleep.  Continuing to bounce a little, Bruce tipped his head down the hall.  “I’m going to take her to the bedroom, lay her down in the bassinet.  You want to come?”

“‘course I do” Tony grinned and nodded, pulling himself to his feet with a slight groan, placing the bottle on the table as he past, and using Bruce to steady himself for a few seconds, looking down at their sleeping daughter. “Your daddy is falling apart” he whispered.

“Hey,” Bruce began, leaning over to press a kiss to Tony’s cheek.  “You’re not falling apart, you’re adjusting.  There’s physical therapy and finding the right dosage of medication…you’ll get to a good place again, okay?”  He hated seeing the other man in pain and upset.  It was frustrating knowing how many people he’d helped with his medical knowledge and yet he could do nothing for his own fiance.  “Come on, let’s go put her down for a nap and maybe take one ourselves.”



Bruce snorted, still pacing and rubbing Rebecca’s back gently.  “You would be.”  Strolling over to the windows, he turned his body so the baby was facing out over Manhattan, and he kissed her soft head as he watched the city thoughtfully.  “You still want to move to California?”  Bruce asked, turning his head to look at Tony.  “Or do you think we should stay here?”

“No, I want to move” Tony told Bruce, turning on the sofa slightly to look over the back of it at his fiance and their daughter “It’s nicer out there for her to grow up, there’s more space, a proper garden, the beach…” he trailed off and smiled “It’s just nicer than growing up in the middle of the city”

“I think you’re right,” he nodded, giving the city one last look before walking over to the couch.  Rebecca had stopped wiggling and felt heavier against his chest, which told him she’d fallen asleep.  Continuing to bounce a little, Bruce tipped his head down the hall.  “I’m going to take her to the bedroom, lay her down in the bassinet.  You want to come?”



He pressed his lips together, throat tightening just a bit with restrained emotion as he watched Tony talk to the little girl.  When the bottle was finally pulled away, he held out his hands and gently took Rebecca. Laying her on his chest, her head resting on his shoulder as he began patting her back gently.  The weight of the little girl in his arms was comforting and very calming.  Bruce stood, pacing slowly as he hummed quietly until he finally worked a burp out of the baby.  His eyes widened in surprise and he chuckled.  “That was a big burp for such a little girl.”

Tony smiled softly as he watched Bruce with their baby girl, absentmindedly rubbing his leg as he did so, a chuckle falling from him as he heard the noise the baby made. “Daddy is rather proud of that one, baby girl” he called over to their baby, his smile growing into a grin “You’re gonna be a cheeky little thing aren’t you?”

Bruce snorted, still pacing and rubbing Rebecca’s back gently.  “You would be.”  Strolling over to the windows, he turned his body so the baby was facing out over Manhattan, and he kissed her soft head as he watched the city thoughtfully.  “You still want to move to California?”  Bruce asked, turning his head to look at Tony.  “Or do you think we should stay here?”



“Hey, they’re almost all fun,” Bruce shrugged, watching Rebecca’s face as she finished up her bottle.  “I can always pass her back when it’s time for her first diaper change.”  He kept his tone light, but his gazed flicked down in concern when Tony stretched and made a pained noise.  Biting his lip for a moment, he sighed.  “Do you need something for the pain?”

“No, I’m fine” Tony replied stiffly, trying to take the empty bottle away from the baby, laughing as she continued to suckle “There’s nothing in there anymore princess” he laughed, tugging the bottle gently from Rebecca’s mouth, an annoyed noise falling from her, before being replaced by a quiet whine “You gonna go to papa now? He’s nice and warm, you’ll love him”

He pressed his lips together, throat tightening just a bit with restrained emotion as he watched Tony talk to the little girl.  When the bottle was finally pulled away, he held out his hands and gently took Rebecca. Laying her on his chest, her head resting on his shoulder as he began patting her back gently.  The weight of the little girl in his arms was comforting and very calming.  Bruce stood, pacing slowly as he hummed quietly until he finally worked a burp out of the baby.  His eyes widened in surprise and he chuckled.  “That was a big burp for such a little girl.”



“Oh,” he was walking back from the diaper bag with the cloth and paused, his brows drawing together.  “I hadn’t really thought about it.”  Sitting down slowly, he threw the white, cotton towel over his shoulder and shrugged.  “Well, there’s always daddy or papa.  Do you have a preference?”

“I don’t really mind” Tony shook his head, smiling up at Bruce and leaning back some more on the sofa and stretching his leg out, a quiet whine of pain slipping from him. “When daddy has finished feeding you, papa can burp you” he then told their daughter softly, smirking at his fiance “I give you the fun jobs” he chuckled, unable to keep his eyes away from the baby in his arms “She is definitely strong, for being so small”

“Hey, they’re almost all fun,” Bruce shrugged, watching Rebecca’s face as she finished up her bottle.  “I can always pass her back when it’s time for her first diaper change.”  He kept his tone light, but his gazed flicked down in concern when Tony stretched and made a pained noise.  Biting his lip for a moment, he sighed.  “Do you need something for the pain?”



“It’s okay,” Bruce said, watching with great interest as the baby took the bottle greedily.  He was glad to see he’d been right about her being hungry and truthfully, he enjoyed watching Tony with her.  “There will be plenty of time for me to do it, so don’t worry.”  Reaching out, he took a hold of one of her wiggly feet and gave it a gentle squeeze, leaning over to kiss the bottom of her little purple sock before standing up again.  “I better get a burp cloth for when she’s done.” 

Tony smiled up at Bruce and nodded, looking down at Rebecca again “You’re a strong little thing aren’t you?” he chuckled, glancing over at his fiance once more “What are we going to be called? We can’t both be ‘dad’, that’ll get all sorts of confusing for everyone”

“Oh,” he was walking back from the diaper bag with the cloth and paused, his brows drawing together.  “I hadn’t really thought about it.”  Sitting down slowly, he threw the white, cotton towel over his shoulder and shrugged.  “Well, there’s always daddy or papa.  Do you have a preference?”